søndag den 28. februar 2010

Earn money online free!

PTC sites (Paid to click)

This is a very old and trusted PTC site it have been online since 2008, so it have been around for a few years and paid on time every time.

Payout : 2 $ AP/PP
Paid per click : 0.01-0.02 $
Referrals : 0.005-0.02 $
Ads : 4+
Paid to click.

Palmbux is also pretty old it have been online since 2008 and paid every time.

Payout : 2 $ AP/PP
Paid per click: 0.008 $
Referrals: 0.004 $
Ads : 4+
Paid to click.

I personal like this site all my rented referrals click everyday :) 

Its a new PTC site but they already got over 1mio members and paid alot. There are plenty of payment proofs on there forum ;) and its very nice because there are 15+ ads very day and you get 1 cent each so it doesn't take a age to make 2 $ plus cheap upgrade down to 9 $

Payout: 1st 2$, 2nd 10$ PP/AP
Paid per click: 0.01 - 0.02 $
referrals: 0.005 -0.015 $
Ads: 15+ and for silver members 40+
Paid per click.
Paid: 2.085 $
Payment proof:Paid

This is a fairly new site not long since the launched from beta, so join the train early :)

Payout: 2$ PP/AP
Paid per click: 0.008-0.01$
Referrals: 0.004-0.007$
Ads: 4+
Paid to click.

This is a new site the offers you great money per day.

Payout: 10$ PP/AP
Paid per click: 0.01- 0.02$
Referrals: 0.005-0.02$
Ads: 15+
Paid to click.

Payout: 2$ PP/AP
Paid per click: 0.01-0.015
Referrals: 0.005-0.01
Ads: 4+
Paid to click.

Payout: 2$ PP/AP
Paid per click: 0.01-0.015
Referrals: 0.005-0.01
Ads: 4+
Paid to click.


Payout: 2$ PP/AP
Paid per click: 0.007-0.02$
Referrals: 0.004-0.01$
Ads: 5+
Paid to click.

Payout: 2$ PP/AP
Paid per click: 0.007-0.02$
Referrals: 0.005-0.01$
Ads: 4+
Paid to click

Paid to complete offers 

This is a site where you can complete offers, click ads and play games. You can either earn cash or earn points and get items as reward ( a lot of cool stuff )

Payout: 1$ AP/PP
Paid per offer: veriable
Referrals: 1st level 15 %, 2nd level 3 % and 3rd level 2 % plus 1 $ per referral you get.
Offers: veriable
Paid to do offers and click
Paid: 13.26$
Payment proof: Paid 1 Paid 2 Paid 3 Paid 4

Paid to write

This is a site that pays you to write short articles, of your own choice but it helps you earn if you make good topics that interest people, because you are getting paid for how many  

Payout: 0.50$ PP
Referrals: 10%
Paid to write short articles and get visitors
Paid: 1.63$
Payment proof: Paid 1

This is a site that pays you to chat! no kidding they pays you to post on there forum.

Payout: 150 points / 1.50$
Paid per post: 0.02$
Paid per thread: 0.03$
Paid to post.
Paid: 5.50$
Payment proof: Paid 1 Paid 2

Paid to surf 

Popular 1:1 Traffic Exchange

Payout: 3$
1:1 Traffic Exchange
5 level referral (0.10$ for each you refer)
0.30$ per 1000 sites you surf plus 1+ credit per site you surf
Paid to surf

Paid: 3.19$
Payment Proof: Paid

Get paid to upload/download (serious cash)

  This is a site that pays you per file someone downloads from you, its very nice cash not like otheres that pay like 1-20$ per 1000 download, this site pays you up to 600-800$ per 1000 downloads!!

Payout: 10$ PP, Check, Wire Transfer and more
Paid per download: 0.25-0.80$+
Referrals: 10%
Upload size: 1kb- 200mb
Get paid to: upload

If you want to get paid to download: http://sharcashbusiness.blogspot.com/

Online banking

Alert pay is one of the most used to receive payment online

Payment proof coming soon.